Future Foods: Innovative and novel foods could make a great contribution to making our food system more sustainable. They include fungi, yeasts, bacteria, algae, insects, as well as experimental processing technologies like fermentation, cultured meat, or bio-fortification.
This online-workshop will investigate the potencial of future foods and explore creative solutions that can help us make our food system more sustainable. We want to bring artists and designers together with food system experts from science. The aim is to highlight innovative and out-of-the-box solutions and communicate them to the general public using artistic approaches. Our workshop will result in concrete products, that will be developed during the overall duration of it. They can include installations, experiments, apps, videos or other media.
Creative projects
How can these foods contribute to a more sustainable food system? .
Future foods can potentially reduce the impact we have on nature by finding new and more sustainable ways of producing food. We can better make use of the services that nature provides to us by supporting nature through our management. They can also help us reduce the meat and fish consumption by replacing it with tasty and nutritional foods that don’t have a big environmental impact when produced.
Millions of people already eat insects, there is a mushroom revolution in America, seaweed is being discussed as an alternative feed for chickens and even lab cultured meat may one day be available. We have the science to grow meat from stem cells making problems of sustainability and animal welfare disappear.
What’s the most urgent to change in our food systems?
The way we consume meet and fish is having a huge impact on natural ecosystems, the general population does not eat enough vegetables and most of the food system is controlled by corporations. The food system is currently too reliant on chemicals, pesticides, and other unnatural substances. We need to rethink what we eat and return to a more natural way of growing our food.
Let’s create the food of the future!
Friday 2.7.2021
17:00 > 18:30
kickoff presentation
18:30 > 20:00
socializing evening / party / meetup
Saturday 3.7.2021
10:00 > 13:00
content lectures
14:00 > 15:00
Ilje Pikaar
Alejandro Parodi
14:30 > 15:30
content ideation
Sunday 4.7.2021
10:00 > 13:00
artistic & technical lecture
14:00 > 15:00
Alexander Morosow
Edible Alchemy
15:00 > 16:00
implementation ideation
Ideation week > Preparation of presentation
Monday 5.7 > Friday 9.7.2021
with morning calls consultation on Wednesday
Saturday 10.7.2021
14:00 > 16:00
Presentation of ideas
(everyone individual)
16:30 – 18:30
selection process
Sunday 11.7.2021
10:00 > 13:00
Ideation phase in small groups
prototyping week
Monday 12.7 > Friday 16.7.2021
with morning calls and consultation on Wednesday
Saturday 17.7.2021
11:00 > 13:00
presentation of prototype
14:30 > 15:00
5 minutes presentation guest feedback
15:30 > 17:00
production concept in team consultation
production week
Monday 19.7 > Thursday 22.7.2021
with morning call Wednesday
Friday 23.7.2021
18:00 > 21:00
Finalisation and publication
Sunday 25.7.2021
18:00 > 21:00
Exhibition Opening Livestream Presentations
Check out our future foods research board